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Princeton First Aid & Rescue Squad is recruiting new volunteer members from Princeton and surrounding communities.  Please watch the video(s) below prior to submitting an application. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. After your application is accepted, you may be offered an interview. If you are accepted you’ll begin our training process.



You will have 12 months to complete the training required to get promoted to a full EMS member. In those 12 months you will: 

​Be on-duty 32 hrs/month stationed at the squad, riding on the ambulance as a helping hand when calls come in. Only 16 hrs/month for Cadets (under 18) halved while in EMT class, 16 for adults, 8 for cadets. Shifts are 4, 8, 10, or 12 hrs.


Squad Training Modules

Train, Practice, and Test on 11 modules on-shift with your Crew Chief at a rate of:

2 mods/month for adults

1 during EMT class

1 mod/month for cadets


A state-course, not in-house at the squad, but offered at locations throughout the state. ~240 hours of in-class time, usually 2 weekday nights and 1 weekend day. 14 hrs/week + 10-20 hrs of homework/week usually offered Fall (Sep-Dec), Spring (Feb-May), or Summer (Jun-Aug). Many of the squad training modules require you to learn the skills in EMT class first, so you want to take it as early as possible.

Must be completed within 9 months of joining to leave enough time to finish squad training afterwards.

In summary, this requires a monthly commitment for the whole 12 months (you may not take leave to study abroad, do an internship, etc.), and a heavy weekly commitment during EMT class. 

For information on employment opportunities, please click here. At this time, we are not holding EMT Classes for non-members. Please do not contact the New Member Coordinator for information regarding future or outside EMT classes.

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